Progress toward what? Notice that the hands form a circle which can be taken to stand for Obama. Emanating from the circle are rays of light. The hands form a sun. The symbol of the sun has been used to characterize Jesus Christ and the light of Christ. Here it is used to represent the light of Obama.
Above is a picture of the hands of Adolf Hitler. This picture captures Hitler's hands as he speaks of the unity of the National Socialist and socialist ideas.
Is Obama socialism what this country really needs? He has already admitted to "Joe the Plumber" that he wants to redistribute wealth. Sure, he says that will only be for those earning $250,000 a year or more. I think we can believe him on that one, but maybe in a couple years we'll have to lower that to $150,000. I mean, it takes a lot of money to create new government programs. NATIONAL SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE, EARLY EDUCATION INDOCTRINATION CENTERS, EQUAL PAY FOR UNEQUAL WORK. Just a few of Obama's great ideas.
Barack Obama's plans for expanding the middle class include bringing some people DOWN through taxation and others UP though redistribution of wealth. Both ideas are dangerous. Many of America's poor are hard working people that have had a few bad breaks, made decisions that limited earning opportunities (I grew up in one of these families), or are afraid to take the leap to something more economically rewarding. Money isn't everything, but if that is your philosophy you MUST be willing to accept the consequences of it as well. There is another group in America's poor and that is the lazy, the unskilled, and the unwilling. I know all too well about these people too. The last thing they need is a handout. What we should do is encourage provident living, not welfare. Big social programs are just that, WELFARE. People need a hand-up not a hand-out.
Barack Obama is not evil. He won't kill millions of people through ethnic cleansing. He will however bring forward the movement toward socialism in America. It won't happen all at once, but we can't afford to let it start. We already know that government programs don't go away. When his big ideas become reality we have little chance of ever eliminating them. The Hitler of our Time II is socialism. Here to introduce it is the messiah of the godless liberal socialist movement.
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