Monday, October 20, 2008

Barack Obama and the Face of Racism in America

It is no secret that Barack Obama has known and loved his pastor for the last two decades, but has recently under heavy scrutiny broken ties with his pastor. Reverend Wright helped Obama get his political career started all the while inciting contempt for white Americans and America in general. Reverend Wright is just another prime example of the black race-baters on the left who pretend to want equality, but preach ideals of black supremacy and black nationalism. Men like this are nothing more than a BLACK KKK.

There are plenty of good black people in our country. Plenty of great black leaders who understand how to be accomplished in life and overcome obstacles. The greatest example I can think of is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas is a great American who has overcome so much in his life and has risen to the top of his profession. He is a man of great integrity that all Americans should look to for inspiration. All one needs to do is read a short biography of Justice Thomas to understand that this is a man who overcame so much and holds on to principle rather than race. We can all learn from this.